Avid utilizes Shelterluv's API to provide almost instant updates to your Avid registry account when you process an adoption outcome in Shelterluv.
To learn how to get an API key, please take a look at How to Generate an API Key. Once you have your API key, you can follow Avid's instructions outlined here.
Avid's microchip registry integration is built by their team and is not managed by Shelterluv. We only provide Avid access to your data via our API once you send an API key to Avid. Since Avid built and manages the integration, you need to address any issues you may experience with them.
Information Needed for Proper Microchip Registration
- Microchip Number
- Adopter's Phone Number
- Adopter's Email Address
- Adopter's First and Last Name
- Animal's Name
- Animal's Species
- Animal's Primary Color
Strongly recommended
- Animal's Primary Breed
- Animal's Sex
- Animal's Altered Status
- Animal's DOB
- Animal's Weight
Events that Trigger Microchip Registration
Avid will automatically register your microchips when an adoption outcome is completed on an animal record.
All other intakes and outcomes will not trigger an automatic microchip registration.
Frequently Asked Questions
- What brand of microchips does Avid upload?Avid will upload all microchip brands, but fees will apply for non-Avid microchip brands. For details and current pricing, please check with your microchip sales representative.
- What if an animal has multiple microchips?
Avid will register every microchip that is on the animal's record and does not charge for additional microchip registrations.
- Does Avid register chips that are already in my account when the integration is activated?Avid can register already existing microchips in your account when you activate the integration, but fees do apply. For details and current pricing, please check with your microchip sales representative.
Avid Contact Information
If you are experiencing any issues with your registry or problems with your auto-upload integration, you can contact Avid in the following ways:
- Phone number: +1-951-371-7505
- Email address: support@avidid.com